I remember sometime in the early 80s, my Mom threw a huge Superbowl party. As I remember it, it was really fun. But one of the things that made it so was that she arranged to have a TV in every room of the house, including the two bathrooms. Now if I remember correctly, this involved extension cords and a couple of old school 13” black-and-white TVs. To me, as a 10-year-old child, this was an absolutely, amazingly genius addition to the bathroom.
Flash forward to last weekend, and I was out at this little Indian restaurant in Vancouver called Rangoli: great food, cute place. On the way out, I stopped in the restroom to take care of some business. What did I see? A little 6” TV buried in the wall behind the bathroom mirror. It was beautifully positioned so one sitting on the throne is at eye level and able to watch the esoteric music videos of Indian influence the restaurant was showing. I immediately thought of hanging out in the bathroom as a child watching the Superbowl, and as an overly-connected adult, I was stunned at what an absolutely, amazingly genius addition to the bathroom this was.
Now granted, a flat-panel TV hidden in the wall of the bathroom mirror seems like a pretty high-end household accessory, but I’ve made a decision. I’m officially high end. I’ve got a little handy-man skill going for me, so I can set it up myself. And that combined with my meager salary is enough to make me eligible for high-end additions such as this. So we have a pretty serious remodel planned for one of our bathrooms in the next year or so, and this will definitely be part of it.
A little research led me to these three options.
1. Philips MiraVision ($1000 and up)
2. Seura Television Mirrors ($3000-ish)
3. Twowaymirrors.net with this 7” LCD TV from Pyle (total about $250). Hmm. Choices, choices.
Now my morning routine is pretty streamlined. Shower, brush teeth, step out to pick out the clothes for the day, step back in to put some goo in my hair, to make it look like I just don’t care. We share the room with our cats’ food and litterbox, so I don’t just hang out there for fun. But I’m thinking for the combined total of say 15-20 minutes per day, plus the occasional extended visit, I can have background noise of CNN or Jon Stewart to keep me informed. Granted a very big issue to be resolved is coming up with a sanitary way to deal with channel and volume changing. Hmm.
I like the idea of having only one TV in my house. It’s in the media room. If we want to watch TV, we go in there and watch. If we want to not watch TV, we go into one of the other five rooms of the house. And having this TV in the bathroom mirror won’t change my feeling on that. Even though I did spend more time than necessary in the black-and-white TV bathroom of 1982, as an adult the bathroom TV will only serve as ADD-style entertainment, distraction and information that one might get in the car on the way to work. And since my work commute is only 7-10 minutes and I hardly get anything good in that time, I’ll be more informed.
But that sanitary remote control is an issue. I will have to research that.
Labels: technology, tv