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On the Fej

More on the Fej than you care to be. More on the Fej than you care to know.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Pres. Bush? Meet nuance. Nuance? Our president.

Our president’s lack of interest in nuance and his reveling in “straight talk” appear to have come back to haunt him. Two things in recent days come to mind.

First, President Bush goes on TV on 5/15/06 to explain the immigration policy. “This is not amnesty, because…” In explaining why the 11 million illegal immigrants who are here, have been a valuable member of society since they got here should not be herded up and sent back he required some nuanced words. A little strange seeing this coming from him. This required more than three words, a few commas and even some propositions thrown in. Well, his co-horts in the House of Representatives aren’t having any of it, passing a bill requiring deportation. The Senate came along, passing a bill along his lines of Bush’s preference. The two bills are polar opposites. Who knows what will come of it.

Then on Friday, a British reporter asked Bush about what mistakes he has made. Remember, if you will, the last time this happened, Bush couldn’t come up with an answer. This time he was ready for the question. His first thought was to say that his using lines of great bravado, such as “Bring it on” and “dead or alive” were wrong. He went further saying he learned he needed to be more sophisticated in how he communicates. This is a far cry from the tough talk campaign language of his presidential campaigns.

Apparently, someone in the communications office has decided that appealing to the lowest common denominator is not the best way to govern a country. Life is complicated. Governing is complicated. Policy is complicated. It takes more than three-word phrases to explain it.



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