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On the Fej

More on the Fej than you care to be. More on the Fej than you care to know.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

What! VHS tapes still exist?

So, Wal-Mart and Target are going to stop carrying VHS tapes? This is a total surprise to me. I thought they stopped carrying them years ago!

Circuit City and Best Buy dropped them in 2002 and 2003, but Wal-Mart and Target have been holding on. But now, they are planning on only carrying them for new releases and kids' videos. Now that DVD players are in some 75% of US households, it is about time. The only reason I even have a VCR is to play old 1990's recordings of the Headbanger's Ball and My So-Called Life. The last actual movie I bought on VHS was Speed. You know, from 1994?

Since Wal-Mart is responsible for 1/3 of home video sales, I can now rest assured that VHS tapes will die the death I presumed it already had.

NOTE: Strangely, The two VHS tapes I have with my DVD archive are the aforementioned Speed and my Allsop VCR Cleaner. My VCR is practically moth-balled, but just in case I keep VCR Cleaners around.



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